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Time is money…
If time plays a major part in your life and prevents you from achieving a better fitness level or
lose those few extra pounds, then this could be for you!!
30 mins ONLINE BURN-OUT session £25

No need for any equipment, Have a trial session for FREE with no obligations!

Online Personal Training sessions that meet YOUR needs

No matter where you are in the world, you can train with me. There’s no travel time and you can connect anytime, anywhere. It’s personalised training like no other – at your desk, at your pace and tailored to you! No matter how far along in your training you are I will be able to work you out using your own weight as resistance, to get the results you need.

What is it?

As an example with Skype’s screen sharing and video call features I can guide you through your skype personal training on-screen, face-to-face and in real-time. Demonstrating the most up-to-date techniques, alongside all the core skills and methods. I will teach you how to get the most from your workout.

How does it work?


Simply contact me to arrange a time for your session and then pay for your training time through the paypal link. At the agreed time sign-in to Skype and call me at Review Fitness. I can then take you through your session demonstrating exercises and giving feedback on your technique. If you have any questions about your online personal training, any files and resources you need can be easily transferred to you.

Try before you buy!


To allow you to test this service before you pay for it I am offering all new customers a free, no-obligation 30 minute trial. This will give you the opportunity to talk to me about what you’re interested in and to find out for yourself how much you could learn and achieve in your session.


Ready to get going?


If you are online now you can contact me directly using the button below.

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